Recruitment is still in progress for the PATCH study!
Bridget Armstrong, Center Scientist, is testing the Platform for Accurate Tracking of Children’s Health (PATCH) in associated with an R01 grant from the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. The PATCH is a small wearable device that was designed by exercise science and electrical engineering faculty to be used to measure children’s activity and sleep data, among other routines. This study will continue work from an R21 grant (associated with other Center Scientists and the Arnold Healthy Kids Initiative) that tested an early version of the device with a sample of 60 children.
The PATCH study is looking to recruit children ages 3-8 years old who can perform at least 20 minutes of physical activity and walk without assistance. Participation includes a 1.5-hour session in person and may also include wearing the PATCH device at home for 3 days, which is paired with a short daily survey.
To read more about the PATCH Study, check out this Arnold School of Public Health news posting here.

Questions? Get in touch with Dr. Armstrong’s PATCH Team via:
Instagram: @patchprojectUSC
Phone: (803) 768-5652
For anyone interested in participating in the study, you can fill out an interest form here: