Bridget Armstrong, Center Scientist, is continuing recruitment for the PATCH Study.
The Platform for Accurate Tracking of Children’s Health (PATCH) device is a small wearable device designed to record activity and sleep data specifically for children. Dr. Armstrong hopes to share the device specs, made using open-source software and easy-to-find parts, with other research teams and cultivate a better method for collecting activity data involving children.
3-to-8-year-old children are eligible if they are able to perform at least 20 minutes of physical activity and walk without assistance. There is one in-person session lasting about 1.5 hours. Then, your child may be asked to wear the PATCH device at home for 3 days, which is paired with a short daily survey.
To read more about the PATCH Study, check out this Arnold School of Public Health news posting here.

Questions? Wanting to participate? Get in touch with Dr. Armstrong’s PATCH Team via:
Instagram: @patchprojectUSC
Phone: (803) 768-5652
For anyone interested in participating, fill out an interest form here: